Listen On Line

1.  Misunderstanding the World
Misunderstanding the World
2.  Jesus the Eternal Priest
Jesus the Eternal Priest
3.  The Drama of the Mass
The Drama of the Mass
4.  Memorial of the Cross
Memorial of the Cross
5.  The Denial of Sin
The Denial of Sin
6.  Triple Transference
Triple Transference
7.  Persevering Prayer
Persevering Prayer
8.  The Incarnation
The Incarnation
9.  The Passion of Christ Continues
The Passion of Christ Continues
10.  The Power of the Resurrection
The Power of the Resurrection
11.  The Betrayal of Judas
The Betrayal of Judas
12.  Mary Mother and Spouse
Mary Mother and Spouse
13.  The Hour of Testing
The Hour of Testing
14. The Fall and Conversion of Peter
The Fall and Conversion of Peter