Listen On Line
1. Misunderstanding the World Misunderstanding the World |
2. Jesus the Eternal Priest Jesus the Eternal Priest |
3. The Drama of the Mass The Drama of the Mass |
4. Memorial of the Cross Memorial of the Cross |
5. The Denial of Sin The Denial of Sin |
6. Triple Transference Triple Transference |
7. Persevering Prayer Persevering Prayer |
8. The Incarnation The Incarnation |
9. The Passion of Christ Continues The Passion of Christ Continues |
10. The Power of the Resurrection The Power of the Resurrection |
11. The Betrayal of Judas The Betrayal of Judas |
12. Mary Mother and Spouse Mary Mother and Spouse |
13. The Hour of Testing The Hour of Testing |
14. The Fall and Conversion of Peter The Fall and Conversion of Peter |