Allan Smith, with his wife, Isabel

My name is Allan Smith and I live in Midland, Ontario, Canada with my wife Isabel.  I am a radio host and Director of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Mission Society of Canada.

For many years I have had the privilege to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation in Peoria, Illinois.  My work involves making known the life, works and thoughts of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to bring people to Christ through Archbishop Sheen, and to advance the Cause for the Canonization of Archbishop Sheen in the Catholic Church.

My father became a convert to the Catholic Faith back in 1957.  He received instruction from Archbishop James Cardinal McGuigan, of Toronto.  But it was Fulton J. Sheen that got him interested in the faith a number of years earlier.  He would often reminisce about listening to Monsignor Sheen on the radio, and then being captivated by Bishop Sheen on television a few years later.

I thought to myself, “If my father spoke so highly of these audio and video recordings, I knew they would be worth sharing to my generation and to future generations”.

Bishop Sheen has been referred as “one of the greatest communicators of our time”.  As a radio show host, my job is easy.  All I have to say is “ladies and gentlemen, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen”; from that moment on, I know the audience is in good hands.

It is my hope that ‘The School of Sheen’ will both entertain and educate you.

Tell everyone that the classroom is open, and that there is room for many.

God Love you!

Al Smith
School of Sheen

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